Friday, May 11, 2018


My feeling toward GE14 was complicated, after all those of years of frustration, I had given up hope that any miracle would happen…….Earlier this year, I was looking forward to the date of GE14, it would mean another trip up north for all of us. However I was wrong, the SPR had announced that the postal vote with be sent by post and we would have to sent it back to the returning officer before 5pm on the date of election. For a moment, something inside of me had urged me to fly back and carried out my duty, but it was not feasible as kiddo will be schooling and Xian is about to face his form 3 examination; it would be a unfair to the rest of the family if I fly back alone. So it was postal voting again for both of us. The registration was actually a painful one. Flipping through my passport was not enough to fill in the section of stay in Malaysia; the autogate entry[both in Malaysia and Taiwan] had left no stamping on the my passport. My reliable source was the airline company records. I took me quite sometimes to complete the registration.

I got the confirmation email about my application few days later. News regarding GE were starting to flood the media; all I saw was those old tricks…threatening about losing right, racist remark. Those all tricks had been working since my childhood, It had worked many times and I can’t find any reason that it shouldn’t this time, but there was this small flame in my heart that hoping for a change….

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