Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The first 4....

During mid of June, we had received a call from the county health office informing us about a quarantine case would be sent over to us for treatment..

A senior lady who was undergoing home quarantine after returning from Peru had developed diarrhea and fever. I was doing day shift with my colleague G at that time. The ambulance came hours later with the ambulance team in full gear. Two patients came instead of one, the lady had brought her 10 years old asymptomatic grandson who was undergoing home quarantine with her as no one is looking after him.

G took the case and taken proper precaution while doing the consultation. A PCR swab test was done and xray was taken. The xray had revealed bilateral lung infiltration and we agreed that she was probably a covid victim judging from her xray and history. A swab test was also taken for the child even though he was asymptomatic. After 2hours of waiting, both the test result came back positive and a second confirmation test was done. We had informed the local health authority and as we had only one negative isolation ward and we had to referred both the case to another hospital.

The process was a smooth despite of the late transferring process. The case was placed all the time in our isolation room outside the hospital premises. The patients were transferred out after 6 hours of retention in the isolation room.  

The lady with her daughter in law and grandson had migrated to Peru a year before. Due to uprising of Covid cases in Peru and lack of vaccine; she and her grandson had returned for vaccination. They had travelled from Peru to Panama and later transit via Turkey, Hongkong and arrived in Taiwan. A long journey and they had caught the disease during transit.

The first rubble hit us 1 week later after our first Covid case.

About 10 days later , while I was on leave, the ED line chat group had announced our ED will be closing for 8 hours for sanitization as a positive case Covid case had entered our ED early in the morning.

A middle-aged male had presented to our ED at 5am for fever. He claimed that he was a delivery man and no significant travel nor contact history was noted. As no active case was noted around our county, the attending emergency physician had allowed him to enter our ER and he was put on a drip and antipyretics. A Covid PCR swab test was later done and patient was discharged without waiting the result.

By 7am, a positive result came back and our ED was shut down for sanitization. The patient was admitted to another hospital for care. Our colleague had apparently broken the rule and allow febrile patient to enter our ED. A swab was done without any proper precaution measure. The event had led to quarantine of 1 physician, 1 radiographer, 2 nurses, 1 attendant and 1 counter clerk.

Contact tracing was done and it had revealed that he did not give the whole story. He claimed that he was a delivery man but he only delivered human; he was actually a “taxi sapu” driver (illegal taxi operator). The contact tracing had led to a dozen of patient being isolated and checked. One of them was an elderly male who was seen by me few days ago. The elderly male  had presented to our ED for hypoglycemia and was discharged 3 hours later after his sugar stabilized. I had asked if he wanted any admission but he denied even though he was still feeling giddiness on his discharge.

The elderly male (Hypoman) was tested positive few days later. Now we had 4 cases, the granny (Peru grandma), the grandson (Peru grandson) and the taxi driver(Taximan)

So the connection between them was still unclear at that point…The common part was all of them lived around the same area……

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