Sunday, May 11, 2008

ICU - back to square one...

I had been unable to coup with myjob lately....

One of the nursing specialist had resigned. She was previously assigned to assist me on my progress note...she had gotten a job working in a govt clinic down south. Unlike the Malaysia govt. service, most of the nurse joined the service when they had just graduated from nursing, the post of nurse in govt. service are very rare and one would need to pull string to get into...easy job and relaz...Well, so I need to managed those notes the end , I had less time to cover the ICU.

I told the ICU head nurse lately that we are back to square one. I am unable to covered them fully and they would have to refer to respective attending surgeon/physician for their case. However the whole hospital is couping to the nurse shortage and those who intended to leave had left, so everybody had gotten use to the situation...

We had a substitue nursing specialist though. But she is new to the job - she was my ex-colleague in my previous ED - ED nurse. She had left the hospital due to some personal reason...she is doing ok and I hope she could hang on to the job...

I missed my job this few days - Ving had gone back to Malaysia...I am left with the two kiddo for the past 3 days 3 night- a more stressful job eventhough I got to sleep in the night....

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