Thursday, September 24, 2009

Evidence based

The H1N1 had disturbed most of the public... but I was disturbed lately during a debate in a forum. There was this chinese SJA forum which I discovered lately. One of a forumer (a paramedic I presumed) had posted some irritable message - wearing a mask in public area is a social obligation. I was irritated by his posting. I am one of the raw face tribe in the hospital from the first day stepping into medical field. I think not showing your face to your patient is an impolite act. One should know the look of who is going to treat/harm him - basic manner. I donned my mask whenever it is necessary.

Even after the SARS, I still keep my habbit until lately the H1N1 strike. We were requested to do so when seeing our patient.

The debate in the forum was unpleasent as the forumer started to comment and "adviced" me to see my patient correctly and nicely... I was irritated as all those sentences were unfriendly and filled with comment which was not true. Most of the facts presented by the forumer were so called common sense... just like those uncles chatting loudly over the round marble table in an old coffee shop.

I found out a few facts during the debate. Most of the public were frighthened by the government and they had no ability to verify what they read/saw/ heard.... My training had given me the skill of picking knowledge based on evidence but unfortunately there are a lot of peoples who don't... that was what my brother told me months ago. He told me detailing is one of the key to a person success.

However this evidence base stuff had sometimes make me look like a person without principle - when the guideline change, I changed..... had to live with had become part of my life...

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