Wednesday, December 11, 2013


I had a good call until I was called at 5am ending my 3 hrs break. 4 casualties were sent in by the rescue service. 1 was reported to have a left thigh fracture and the rest were cuts and limbs pain.
The EMTs had told me that they had rammed onto the divider at the combat reserved road.
The combat reserved road is one of the temporary air force strip down south enabling air force to land their plane. The road is darn width( 12 lanes on each side), and it is definitely unbelievable to rammed onto the divider under normal driving condition. (during my sinner stage, I had a 180kmh record…)
The only female casualty was better than the rest, she was walking and look very pale. Her response was quite weird unlike those concussion patient who kept asking the same question over and over again. She had answered my question wrongly (ask east and she talk west instead)… No scent of alcohol and I deeply believed that she is under influence of substance, the rest of the guys were confused as well c no sign of alcohol consumption
My speculation was confirmed when the policemen stepped in. It was not the usual traffic policemen who came… those were police from the local station and they had brought a few packets of Ketamine and they tried to interrogate the 4 victims. The 3 guys were too confused and the lady was unable to response properly.
I had a houseman colleague back in the days with KKM, he is a UKM grad, a surgical freak who tried his best to laid his hand on any operating table. He had once told me that he had gone to a rave party and someone gave him a quarter of an ectasy pill and he had swung his head for the next 2 days. I had told this story to Yun and Xian and I had shown them the scene in the movie “Drug war” where the anti-narcotic chief inhale an overdose of cocaine.(non-realistic of course but good enough to scare them off).

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