Saturday, April 26, 2014

Parents and Healer...

It was 2 am, when I sensed that Yun had awaken and trying to put her jacket on in the tent.
I had hit dreamland about 1+ hrs ago when the other folks retired to their tent. While struggling to open my soring eyes, I asked her if she is feeling unwell. She told me that she is experiencing chillness, nausea and abdominal pain.
Well, with instant reflex, I had asked her if she has passed any motion that day. She gave me a positive answer and she pointed to the periumblical area and told me the pain was localized at that point. She told me she had 2 similar attacks in the past and both were relieved by passing stool.
I brought her to the car, given her some panadol syrup and do a quick PE. There pain was worst at the McBurney’s point and rebound tenderness was noted. My heart sunk but still told her that I would accompany her to the toilet and she could try and see if it would get better after passing stool.
As the nearest toilet did not have a sitting bowl, I had to bring Yun to the toilet at the other end of the camping ground about 200m away. I told Yun to the toilet and told her to take her time.
It was a long wait and I had kept praying to the LORD to have mercy on Yun – no appendicitis please. Although the history was actually not compatible, but the rebound tenderness was quick shocking. In the past, I had come across quite a few patient with constipation who presented with rebound tenderness but still, it is still an annoying sign.
The waiting was not boring as Yun and I had a good chat but I had to tolerate wave and wave of Kamakazie attack by the mosquito.
Yun felt better after expelling her waste, and we retired to the tent by 3am. We had a good chat regarding abdominal pain and appendicitis.

Well, being a healer is simple – the anxiety is less, but as a parents, the anxiety is 1000x …..

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