Saturday, July 4, 2009

one should think big but not there

I had this unpleasant encounter days ago…I went off by 6pm and passed over a few patients. There was this patient who went to OT – huge popliteal fossa wound with tibia-fibula closed fracture. He had decided to admit after the surgery and I signed the admission form.

Just before I left, the patient’s colleague came to me and said they wanted a transfer (back to their hometown) after the ops. I told me we would assist the transfer after surgery before I left. 

The next day, I met our night shift head nurse and asked about the case and she spitted to me about what had happened…I was shocked when I heard it…

Our ortho man had grumbled in the OT about the patient not being admitted to his service and then when the patient came down from the OT , he refused to write a referral letter(form to be exact) and medical report for the patient under the reason- Since the patient was not admitted top my service then I am not the Attending Surgeon and why should I write those for him…He was stopped on the way by the head nurse and refused her request when she asked him to help.

The head nurse later had tried to keep the patient back to avoid such conflict(no one wanted to write those document…)

Crap shit kinda excuse – how the hack the ED physician know what he had done on the patient… Lem knew the incidence hours before I was told about the matter. (he is the ED head …). He was displeased but refused to comment and act any further. I told the head nurse, this man definitely to be educated properly… Our hospital is a very small hospital and no one is another person enemy…

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