Our hospital was not threathen during the flood... but we were affected after the flood....
There were 2 xiang(or so call district) flooded during the typhoon. It was regular for the LB area to be flooded during the typhoon as the local govt could not restructure the landscaping. The LB district is packed with fishbed and no one could asked them to shut down. So nothing much to shout. However the dike along the JD district collapsed during the typhoon(it was bad time - high tide + typhoon). The seawater had poured into the village along the seaside. The flood had cause the mud to precipitate all over - including the drain. The whole drainage system was packed with mud. The water could not be drained and only the sun and natural absorbing power of the soil could do the job.
this was taken outside the medical depot I went to support.. |
mud and water....despite the hot sun.. |
The road leading to my ex-hospital(regional grade) was shut down due to the muddy condition and water(yes, dead water). Peoples around this area would had to spent 1 hrs+ on the journey to reach there. Those peoples had opted to come to us instead. The ED pt amount had doubled and sometimes triple since the flood. Those peoples living in the flooded area were offered free(yes no registration fee, no self burden fee) treatment - so they come as they like, if they are in a rush - they opt for ED; a really abuse of privillege but they were the ones who suffered most . As a resident who could still stay in his own decent house ( vs in a muddy house / salvation center ), I am in no position to tell this peoples to wait for OPD....
Well, the shifts were bad since then --- servicemen coming for tetanus jab(what can I said , the army medical corps should have given them a prophylaxis before they entered the region to help...), cellulitis , infected wound... and lately gastroenteritis....well, all sort of disease expected in a disaster area spreaded out in front of me...a real good experience to practice...
rumours said that it would take few months before the road would be reopened and till then, we need to tolerate... But I am sure our management is enjoying the current situation as the patients were pouring in like dont know what and we were always packed with in patient...