Saturday, December 31, 2016

Good bye 2016

It is a “nothing to shout” year for me, nothing much had been accomplished but yet it was an exciting year for me. I had done a few road trips which were considered as perilous for me. Thanks to the great one, I had escaped from a few possible medico-legal suits. I had become older but and maybe a little bit wiser…..
The most notable part is that I had not visit the Boleh land for over 1 year. Being home sick and I had been grabbing every opportunity to lay my hand on Dim Sum, Cha Sao Bao and curry. I had even made some Sri Muka few months ago….
I had been lucky as life was tough for most of the people. The extreme weather this year had disturbed the life of many locals, but yet I am freed from the harassment.
I had been home-bound this year, trying not to leave my house. I felt anxious leaving my house. Our 4th floor had become a secret retreat for me and Xian. We shared a good time playing nerf war, challenging each other on SF5, Mortal combat X.
Last month, Ving and I decided to invest on a massage chair and we were amazed by its effect.
However, I know hiding in the house is not my destiny….

20 mins till the end of my shift and I would be joining my family for the countdown after I struggle with the traffic…. 

Thursday, December 15, 2016

5th staff

Our department was joined by another staff 1+ month ago. It was struggle for us having our 5th colleague.
The new staff G is someone I knew. He was a trainee resident (not registered, pending examination) during my days in AT hospital. He had passed his exam and later shifted to north where he completed his training in emergency medicine.
We were desperate to have a 5th staff joining since earlier this year as we could barely cover the 3 person shift during weekend.
The management had a problem with our shifts arrangement after G agreed to join us . They had only approved a 3 person/d setting on only weekend; thence 5 of us will be facing a deficit of 1-2 shifts per month. The management told us to accumulate the deficit and pay the hospital back in February during the Chinese new year period. In other sense, we need to do more shift during the CNY; paying back each shift as holiday shift.
None of us agree with the decision. After a few round of negotiation, the management had finally agreed with our proposal.
The pros ->less night shift(2-3 less/month). The cons, more holiday shift(1-2more/month). But as holiday shifts will be 3 ED/d, the work load will be less.

It had been 1 months since G joined, and I enjoyed the luxury of doing less night calls. But It won't last for long....