Thursday, June 26, 2014

sales reps...

There was this notice which is pinned onto the message board in the 175… It was the amount of patient each attending EP had admitted last month.

I saw the list and told Lem that it was really irritating being treated like salesman…

The job is really a pain working as counter service provider and now the management treat us like sales rep….

Unlike other ED which was a money losing department, our ED is actually making profit.
Well, just focus on the job- > distracting is the key to err…

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Multiple role playing session.....

t was supposed to be a smooth trip to east while I enjoyed a long break…but my LORD has plan for me….
Well, Ving has noted with chillness while we were enjoying our Mongolian BBQ( invented by the Taiwanese and not originated from Mongol) in the evening of Saturday. She was noted with low grade fever when we reached home.
I had started her on antipyretic initially but the next day, typical sign of influenza was noted. I had started her on Tamiflu stat and the fever was better on Monday morning. I was confident that I could make it to Ministry for my course but later in the afternoon, Ving’s fever had worsen and she was coughing badly. Another Déjà Vu and I prayed that the lightning doesn’t strike twice, by then I was having a bad feeling that my trip is going to soak in soup…I started her on a drip as she had not been drinking well.
I was supposed to push off at 6am on Tuesday. Ving was getting better then, even though the cough was stationary but the auscultation related a different story – I had a bad feeling despite of the improvement of her fever. 
I decided to take Ving to the ED for a Chest Xray after sending Xian to school on Tuesday morning ….and the result confirmed my physical findings- > rt lower lobe pneumonia...
Well, at that point, admit and not admit was a struggle for me…. Admission would be pain and strain for me as the kids schooling would be a major problem, house/school is 20km from the hospital. It took me a brief moment to make the decision – outpatient treatment as it would unlikely to affect the family except me.
Although the lab test had indicated it was viral ( just like Xian have), I did not hesitate to start her on Moxifloxacin, I dare not gamble...
Ving’s low grade fever had spiked to 40 during our drive home and the fever had persisted the rest of the day despite the application of drip and aggressive antipyretic.
I had brought a load of normal saline + venocath + drip set with me. Even though I believe the sanitation in the house is better than the hospital, I dare not keep the venocath in situ for 3 days. I changed site on a 24hrs basis to avoid phleblitis
As I need to prep food for Ving, I tried to cook for the rest of us and the help from the kiddo was well appreciated.
The 1st 24 hrs was quite a drain of physical strength and mental tolerance. As a family, one can raised so many questions and the anxiety could be eased by the medical staff. But I am all alone, I almost lost faith in my judgment but the feedback from the Ving’s physical findings was quite reassuring despite of the stagnant condition of fever.
There was always some errand waiting for me at the corner every 2 hourly and I was at the verge of collapsed at the mid of second 24hrs.
With grace, Ving’s condition had greatly improved after D3 and I was able to catch some sleep and regained my vitality.
By D4, Ving’s was able to get out from bed and the fever had totally subsided.
Well, it was a strenuous effort for me but yet the daily routine of the family was not affected.
The multi-role playing session was over finally and I was back to work as scheduled after the long break. Well, seemed to be a waste of vacation but yet I am truly appreciated for the chance given for me by the Great one. I had experienced the anxiety of family, stress of a foreign maid (nursing aide), act as a one-man medical staff providing in-patient care and finally working as a full time house maker.
For the past 20 days, everyone in the family had gone through a febrile session (with 2 pneumonia ) except me, a truly pain for a Malaysian family living abroad – no support (Just couldn’t ask any help from any church members/friends as the disease might be contagious …..sigh) and the loneliness and helplessness was beyond imagination…

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Keeping up....

I had a great time with the kids lately. We had spent time together, chatting and sharing…
Not sure how long I could hold on to the current situation; keeping up with the pace of their growing up process. A tough work for an aging guy like me, but yet the process is filled with fun. 
There was this pearl moment during our stay in the Avillion resort; 3 of us sitting in the balcony chatting and sharing Shandy.....hope to have more memory like this in the future.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

right guess....

Xian has a remarkable recovery. His fever subsided after the augmentin drip...
Well, the lab test had suggested that it is not bacteria infection - WBC 7300 , Procalcitonin <0.05...apart from the xray and course of the disease..
well, the antibiotic did help and Xian had returned to school today...
it is still a long way for machine to replace physician....

Monday, June 2, 2014


Xian fever had subsided for just 1 days and it had recurred yesterday morning. His cough had worsen since then. He had lots of sputum and I had started to give him chest percussion but yet the effect was limited. I had been there before, I told myself; few years ago, Yun had suffered from similar event. She had noted with 5 days of URI and mild fever but later the fever worsen and pneumonia was noted, she ended with in ward for 5 days.
I was more cautious this time and at 4am today morning, I had brought Xian to the ED.
The X-ray had shown:

Well, left lower lobar pneumonia- most probably a secondary bacteria infection. I had given him an adult dose of Augmentin drip and prescribed zithromax for him for out patient use, lets hope my strategy works…….