Sunday, March 11, 2012

ACLSI .... revisited...

It had been 3 years since my last entry to the ACLS instructor course – failing the final part was really a stress to me… I gone to the pretest 1 years later in Taipei but again with minimal preparation and of course I did not make it into the course.

I forfeited the pretest in Taichung, but this year I had managed to step out from the shadow and trying to gain ground from where I had fallen….

I had managed to register my name on the closing date – a close one. I decided to buy a Chinese version book with guideline 2010. I had the 2010 guideline downloaded to my kindle but never got the feeling to read it….

I had picked it up but found that I need something more condense and picked one over the net.

The book arrived 1 day later and I got it from the 7-11 nearby. I had started my reading and completed all the MCQ few days ago. I did a thorough reading and ran through the scenario provided.

Not very confident as the preparation time was too short – only 1 week. But still, unlike the past, I handed my faith to the LORD…

The pretest was held in a teaching hospital 60km from my house and it was just at the exit of the highway. I left home 1.5 hrs before the pretest start.

I managed to get there without difficulty.

The written test was easier then I thought but still I was a little bit worried. I had my lunch and returned to the building and found that there were candidate walking out from the main door – the result was out.

I did not rush and took my time up to 7F where the pretest was held. I saw my name being highlighted and thank god that I had passed… however more to come next as I had to face the skill station. BLS, megacode and Airway. I had no problem with the BLS and airway, but still the megacode post a challenge to me.

I was assigned to the megacode group and I had waited a while before I was called. My heart sunk when I walked out from the room. I did badly…. It was a trauma case (rare to have it in ACLS scenario) and it was supposed to be a hypovolemic or pneumothorax scenario. However I had spent to much time and the time was up before I got the the needle aspiration part. A bad start and I waited for another hour before I was called to the BLS station. I did fair at it and the airway station was good as I completed it under 30 seconds.

We were led back to the class room when the introduction speech was given by the tutor. The introduction was better than the last one I heard, a simulation of the scenario was given.

I praised LORD when I saw my name highlighted again, RM970 poorer and I had to stress for another 3 weeks. I had to prepare 20 topics for the course. 4 topic would be chosen 10 min before the presentation.

I am back to the ground where I collapsed and trying to get on my feet again……

Hope I would make it to the list this time....

Thursday, March 1, 2012

long way from home...

 Our nephrologist H asked me 2 days ago if I knew where G had gone….G was one of my closest friend in College, he was 3 years senior than me....

He was once a Asean Scholarship holder who did his junior college in Singapore and later admitted to Engineering Faulty of NUS. A truly scorer, but yet he was turned down by the NUS for medical course. He had later applied for medical school here in Taiwan.

He was the Malaysia Student Associated President of the College during my fresh man year. We had started a committee fighting for the recognition of Taiwan medical degree. And after years of work, we had achieved the target however he did not benefit from it. The recognition did not backdate and G had graduated then.

He was desperate and he went back to Malaysia joined the USM program and he had passed his medical licensing examination. He had however never joined the housemanship and came back here.

He had completed his training in internal medicine and later got a subspecialty in Gastroenterology.

He had found a job in northern part of the county and held the post of head of internal medicine department prior to his resignation.

I never thought he would left Taiwan again as he had married a Taiwanese.

When H asked me, I did a checked over the medical registry and found that G had got his 2012 APC in a hospital down south.

I called up the hospital yesterday and found that it was his first day at work…I did not get the chance to talk to him as he was not in his room…I called up his clinic today and left my email with the nurse as G was seeing his patient…..

The paid would definitely more handsome than what we get here, for a moment, I am thinking of going back….

There are a few barrier for me to go back to Malaysia…

1st barrier is the working hour…where would I get a job similar to my current working hour….

The next barricade is the studies of Xian and Yun… the syllabus here is much more in depth and interesting here.. I just learnt from Yun yesterday that she was selected for a speech talking competition. She was given a 30 mins time to write her own speech and present it…. That was high school speech competition style.. write and then speech… Yun was doing well, but Xian is what I worried…. He would never caught up with the system and pressure back in Malaysia..

For me, it is still a long long way from home…..


drug addict - zolpidem

We had those drug addict in the past who came to our ED bluffing their way for Pethidine jab…Nowadays, a new breed of them had been generated –zolpidem injection…

There is no IV form of Zolpidem however, one of the clever addict had come out with a solution. They crushed and zolpidem tablet and mix it with clean water, then inject into their vein….

JJ is a case of alcoholic cirrhosis patient. He had been a regular for the past 6 months. He had tried his best to squeeze as many zolpidem from us. Sometimes he sold it and sometimes he shared it….

He had denied of using IV drug 1 + years ago but lately he would claim that he had been using IV drug.

He craved for zolpidem, came to ED+OPD few times in a day asking for it. Sometimes he asked for admission…and most of us would refuse him....

The hospital did not want to complaint him as he had complaint to the national insurance bureau that we had mistreated him we had to tolerate him…

There are few ways of stopping their act actually but still I never tell the management…. Just crush the zolpidem and mix it with sugar powder(pediatric use) and they won’t came to us any more….

Hell, I hate them….