I had been reading a lot regarding food for the past 6 months… There were a lot of stunning materials which I did not know clinically. I had found that the way I and family used to eat would lead to a path of no return. We had decided to cut down meat and the final destination was pure vegetarian food. However to lay our hand on health vegetable was truly a challenge. Nothing is safe out there – I do not trust those farmers to be frank. I would encounter a few farmers (who farm Jambu) in the ED complaining of intoxication after spraying insecticide and pesticide. In the past most of them use 1 or 2 chemicals, but nowadays many of them use more then 3 types of insecticide and pesticide. The product and profit were their primary concerned, just can’t blame them – they rely on that for the living…
We had decided to grow vegetable by ourselves. We had rented a small piece of land in the local citizen farm. A land of about 400 sqm2.
I did most of the land shaping job…. It was really a tiresome one in the beginning. Although the owner provided a free plough of the land at the beginning, we were able to plant half of the land prior to the typhoon and rainy season. After the rain pour the other part of the soil was harden – the land shaping stuff was really a physical torment for a office worker like me.
One of the challenges was digging a good drain… I learnt a lot from others who farmed there.
We have harvested our first batch of vegetable this week… It was great eating vegetable which was grown by your own hands….The next step would be proper planning so that we could harvest every day…I had once read an article from the web, one of the organic farm owner had said that he used 70% of his time planning instead of actually farming…. At the moment, I total agree with him…
The land is about 5 kms from my house. We go to the farm 4-5 times /week, 2-3 hrs per trip. I am closer and closer to my dream. My final destination is to attain a state of self provision – growing and producing the food we need….