Saturday, December 28, 2013

Surviving....... i am in an unplug outdoor 1200m above see level,  16 degree C , with no wind nor rain , by the grace of LORD.... I praise you......

Thursday, December 26, 2013

wrapping up...

3 days more to the countdown and it was a fascinating year for me and my family. For the kids, it is a whole new experience; Yun entering junior high and Xian stepping in to his senior years. Yun had finally realized the importance of study although she had a late start but yet I could see her effort lately. Xian got his first 100 in the examination yesterday, he was very excited for the score and I had a short discussion with him about his success; after all these year of studying he had finally knew the essence of getting a good grade – understanding all the content in the class is the key….as a late starter he had start his learning at 4 years of age, he had done far beyond my expectation.
My aim would be completing my masters and hopefully I could lead a cell group after CNY and gone for a medical missionary tour in the summer next year…
so many stupid events was noted and I tend to learn from it( holding back the installation of tpms ended up with a tiresome tyre replacement...)

Well so far so good and I would be encountering my final and possible the toughest challenge of the year (stranded in Peng hu was the toughest so far) -> leading a camping trip in the mountain area with the cold front sweeping (Forecast said it would be under 10)…we had similar experience during our summer trip 2 year ago, at 8 degree(summer at 8... not in russia of coz, we had camped at 2500m above sealevel..)  and we managed to survive it but yet leading a bunch of newbies would be another story...

Monday, December 23, 2013

trip down south....

It was a relaxing trip for me…for the past few years, I had been the “organizer”; planning the trip and executing it. However this trip down south had been organized by one of the local guide of the national park. All I need to do is to drive….
We had to wait for Yun(school off at 5) and our destination was 78km away. The drive was smooth and we managed to hit the restaurant at 6:30pm. The shop was owned by an ex-chef in one of the local 5 star hotel, a hong konger. We had found the shop months ago and after our lunch, we had a common feeling that it is must visit in the future.
Dim sum, fried rice and noodle is a must and the price is darn cheap compare to up north (RM7 for dim sum and RM 15 for rice and noodle…, non-comparable to the boleh land but yet it is at the lower end of the local price).
After the stuff till you vomit dinner which cost just slightly over RM100, we headed to the local bed and breakfast establishment. It was elected at the top B&B over the net last year. 

After the check-in, our guide had brought us further into the mountain area to have a peek at the local deer herd action in the night.

A great night hunting tour and we hit bed by 10pm preparing for the early activities next day
The room was hotel-like and not a single feeling of the average bed and breakfast. 

After the good night sleep, we had headed to “seven hole” waterfall. Under the lead with the guide, we had an adventurous and daring ascend to the second hole with the kids which I cursed along the climb. With the grace of Lord, we had a safe journey.

The breakfast was a satisfying one and we had a whole day touring in the wind around the national park.

me under the sun for a quick nap....

At 5pm, we cruised 100km up north for book shopping and we hit home at 10 after dinner.
well a tiring but relaxing trip for me....

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


We had gotten a new hand phone for Yun. During our pre-purchase discussion, she had told me that she had felt embarrass using the old SE Zylo….she had been tolerating the pressure for quite sometimes. I could understand her agony, while most of the peers are using “flag ship” grade hand phone she had to live with what we left for her. She had tried to stay low but yet as a doctor’s daughter, peer would expect more from her.  She had talked about hand phone in the house as it was a pain for her but still she did not raise the topic nor asking for one. 
My policy is simple, not too high , not too low, just average…That means, there will not be any iphone, note3, nor S4…average product and I could see her struggle when choosing one, she opted for galaxy ace and I rejected her choice, entry level specs and definitely would regret months later….I offered her 2 choice -> premier or core and she had opted for premier. Cost more between the 2 but with a larger screen.
I need to be careful along the path but still nothing happier for a father when looking at their face with the satisfaction smile.

heat is on....

It is an exciting month…. oral test and presentation for my MMin course and follow by the BLSI course for the military camp nearby our hospital…. I had spent a few good night preparing the event. The upcoming event would be smoother, an escape trip to Kenting with the church’s youth group this week and a camping trip 1000m above sea level next week. An escape for everyone in the family and the kids are looking forward to the events.
Yun’s had downloaded a countdown app and she had entered all the major event for the count down lately... While looking at the countdown date, I can feelthe heats is on during this coolest period of the year…..

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Daring and Boleh....

I had learnt that the price of electricity is taking its hike starting next year and it definitely causes worsening of inflation after the rise. Less than 1 year ago, In its manifesto, the scale had promised to “ease the cost of living” and now they had allowed Tenaga to raise the price just to increase their profit….raising of electricity fare would let every product in the market which use electricity to have an excuse to raise the price….
Well, if Tenaga is hitting red on its book, there is every reason to do so but yet the govt had ignored the majority public and tried its best to please the less share holders…
The implementation of the GST is also a real threat to the public due to its disproportionate taxing, unless you big bucks it should be a burden…
Another news was rebadging(yes, just change the badge) of Honda Accord 8th gen(currently the 9th gen is on the market) into Proton Perdana… A national automobile industry that couldn’t R&D a family sedan within 5 years….
Well, what can I say …..


I had a good call until I was called at 5am ending my 3 hrs break. 4 casualties were sent in by the rescue service. 1 was reported to have a left thigh fracture and the rest were cuts and limbs pain.
The EMTs had told me that they had rammed onto the divider at the combat reserved road.
The combat reserved road is one of the temporary air force strip down south enabling air force to land their plane. The road is darn width( 12 lanes on each side), and it is definitely unbelievable to rammed onto the divider under normal driving condition. (during my sinner stage, I had a 180kmh record…)
The only female casualty was better than the rest, she was walking and look very pale. Her response was quite weird unlike those concussion patient who kept asking the same question over and over again. She had answered my question wrongly (ask east and she talk west instead)… No scent of alcohol and I deeply believed that she is under influence of substance, the rest of the guys were confused as well c no sign of alcohol consumption
My speculation was confirmed when the policemen stepped in. It was not the usual traffic policemen who came… those were police from the local station and they had brought a few packets of Ketamine and they tried to interrogate the 4 victims. The 3 guys were too confused and the lady was unable to response properly.
I had a houseman colleague back in the days with KKM, he is a UKM grad, a surgical freak who tried his best to laid his hand on any operating table. He had once told me that he had gone to a rave party and someone gave him a quarter of an ectasy pill and he had swung his head for the next 2 days. I had told this story to Yun and Xian and I had shown them the scene in the movie “Drug war” where the anti-narcotic chief inhale an overdose of cocaine.(non-realistic of course but good enough to scare them off).

Monday, December 9, 2013

hanging on....

The heat is still on as the dispute of 7-7 or 8-8 is still not settled. Personally I preferred the 10hr/14hr system… but yet I need to comply to the regulation. I had talked to the dept supt of admin regarding Lem’s preference. The roster for Jan and Feb is out and I keep my finger cross and hope that we can hold till new year.
I had booked the car rental and would book the water chalet of Avillion resort at the end of the month.

It would be root seeking tour for my family as I would bring the kids back to my grandparent’s house. A small town named Chuah where I spent some of my school holidays in a coffee shop enjoying a country life.

NT 760 for 22000

Yun and Xian had been a fan of Namewee after they viewed Nasi Lemak 2.0. They bought the DVD during one of our visit back to Malaysia. A truly blockbuster and we had seen it many times....
When his 3rd movie came out early this year, it was scheduled to aired in the local cinema here but later it was postponed due to some issue with FINAS. The wait was very long and from time to time Yun would asked me if we could buy the DVD when we go back next year and I agreed.
However 2 weeks ago, it had finally hit the local cinema and we had decided to visit the cinema for a quick glance of it.
It was a real pain for Xian to enter the cinema as he is afraid of the poster and the pre-show trailer(yeah, especially those creepy one..), but after negotiation he had agreed to exchange it with angry bird go telepod set....
We finally made it to the show and we were the only viewers around , the price of 4 tickets to chartered the whole cinema(the chartered is about rM2200)

however the show was not up to standard ->copy here and there and lacking the usual malaysian element....still, RM 19 per ticket is still well spent as Yun and I had a great discussion regarding the movie...

passing with stress...

It had been a stress for me preparing the presentation and oral test during the past 2 weeks. Well, it was a great experience and truly grace from god for passing the subject. 8 credits down and 4 more to go for this semester...

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

One stop crisis center - on demand....

I had this female trauma patient before I went off during my last shift. The patient was a middle aged female with traumatic head injury. She as comatose on arrival with a large hematoma over her right periorbital area.
She had undergone bil masectomy with sparse hair, a picture of obvious breast cancer s/p surgery with chemotherapy. But a force had pushed me to check her private part to comfirm that she is female rather than a transexual who undergone surgery. The private part was a she but it was swollen and a laceration wound was noted. The spot diagnosis was traumatic intracranial hemorrhage and with her current status, she would be mostly vegetative if she survive surgery.
The family arrived later and the neighbour who discovered her laying in front of her house told me that she was found with her pants down to her thigh. Well.... possible rape victim....and I am stuck with it...
The patient was later sent to OR... as our O&G is on visiting basis we are not officially stamped as OSCC for violence....., I had to do the evidence collecting and reporting routine.... darn , had never done here but with the training of MOH, and help of our senior nursing staff, I was able to complete the procedure. 
The first for me here in Taiwan and the first for our hospital...


The admin had maintained our shift of 8-6 this month and the battle is still on...
The dispute of 8 or 7 is still a matter. Lem wanted 8 and K insisted on 7 and the the new chap CY is ok with both...
The score is currently 1 vs 1 with 2 standing on the wall...