There was this worst earth quake in 1999 Nov 21st. Casualties and loss of properties beyond imagination..The govt had started to set up their disaster response system based on the US version. But thank god, it was never initiated. The most recent natural disaster was also an earthquake which hit the southern part of taiwan( approx. 70km from my house.) happened on 2006-12-26. I was doing my passing over in ED then.....Some building collapsed, and some life lost...
10 months later, the local govt had decided to do a drill for this earth quake scenario...I become part of colleague was supposed to attend it but as he was sitting for his EM board exam, I took over his place instead. However the exercise was postponed twice and it will be officially done tomorrow. For the past 2 days, I had been to this airport which located at the southern part of Taiwan. It is actually not suitable to deo it in a small airport - but this airport is hardly use - 2 flight per week and sometimes flight postponed due to strong wind. Any small object in the run way might cause a disaster...Anyway, it was done there...
I went to the exercise with 2 nurses+ambulance+1driver. I was the in charge of the yellow area(mod-light injury). The exercise was organized by the county health department. But the army, the national DMAT(south) and regional DMAT were also involved. ...
It was a disaster for me though, the exercise was 70 km from my house, 50 km from my hospital. I will go to the hospital and joined the team and travel to the airport by hospital ambulance.
The schedule for me is terrible....:
Mon night on call
Tue AM - pre exercise 1 PM - pre-exercise 2
Wed AM- pre-exercise 3 PM - pre-exercise 4 night on call again
Thr AM- pre-exercise 5 PM- official exercise (I will be 34 hrs at work when the exercise over...)
I hope tonight will be smooth...
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