Thursday, February 12, 2009

Grand round..

I forgot when was my first grand rounds... it must be 10 + years back when I was doing my clerkship. Well, a large crowd of persons in white, lead by the resident and interns, then the chief resident and attending (surgeon/physician). The head of department would be surronded by the crowd. Just like a rally in the ward. The team would go from room to room. The residents would present the case and the head of department would glance through the chart. Q & As was definitely a must and most of the time, the junior one would be "electrified until you become 7 colours[Tin Tou Chat Choi]" (a good description by some Hongkong senior during my college days). When I returned to practice here , I had chance(actually force to) to attach to the college's teacher hospital(it had become unversity then) twice. The grand round had taken a shift - no more rally, the residents would prepare all the charts and the grand round was done in the conference room .... the resident would take turns present the case...the atmosphere was still tense though, but eventhough I was junior resident then but I was senior enough to skip the lashing. We had a general discussion session every thursday and all of the attendings would exchange our view about cases... but as the evaluation is closer , we had started our grand rounds as request. The 1st grand rounds ( last month) was just like old days - rally from room to room. But yesterday, the was some delay and the grand rounds started late - most of the attending was either in OT or seeing their OPD. So, our superintendent had a lonely grand rounds with the nurse specialist - they forfeited the rally and just completed the charting.... Maybe we would have another rally next month...

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