Monday, May 3, 2010

Darkside ... suicide

I had come to work after a good 8 hrs sleep… well not that tired actually as I had even shot my way through one of the small chapter of “Darkside Chronicle” before hitting the bed.

Well, a good start today and I had finished my job by 2pm. It is my 1st day of getting back to Monday night shift. A little bit resist but I had gained a 34 hrs break after the Monday night shift and I hope it would be a good bargain. Sometimes I tell myself, it is so good to secure a job….

I had a few suicide case who ended up in the ICU lately. They were placed in the ICU as it was the safest place to prevent them from another attempt. Most of them use charcoal burning as their medium to heavan(or maybe hell). Charcoal burning had been the cheapest and least painful way to die. The newspaper had reported these methods widely over the past few years. Well, I had read a report that some of those who were saved would become paraplegia in the future as the hypoxia process would damage the peripheral nerve as well.

I believed the economic had been revived but only for the riches – those poor are still struggling to get out from the swamp of poverty they sunk few years ago. Most of them had economic problem and marital problem. However the was one who stabbed her abdomen just because she had an argument with her love one. Well, lots of excuse but I think none of them is acceptable.  I wandered if really those zombie from the “Resident Evil
 stormed our life, how many peoples would have the guts to commit suicide before they were bitten ?


I was lucky as I did not have to resus any 1+1 suicide case yet. A 1+1 means an adult suicide with his/her minor. Life is hard and I just don’t know how to help them……

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