I had been trouble by those stimin seekers lately. I do not consider this bunch of suckers as addict as no craving is noted. They used stimin as “interlude” drug- to sedate themselves whenever they had no money to buy heroin. The benzodiazepam group of hypnotic had no effect on them (one of the reasons – almost everyone of them are heavy drinker and).
The oral route had is not adequate for them – they crushed and grinded it into find powder and injected it into their vein.
Some of them with history of pancreatitis would come in to ED complaining of epigastric pain and minutes after the injection given(I usually start with cimetidine), they would start to request for “Demerol”. I would usually told them to be patient and wait for the amylase level. If the level is elevated, I would admit him and give whatever to ease his pain. But unfortunately, 1/10 chance I would get a normal value. I would then politely told them, no one would ordered me to give any narcotic drug. After a few time, they would not come in if they saw me at the desk.
However lately, I had covered the Ortho OPD(surgeon gone for ops) and met his scum bag. He had still 6 pcs of stimin left and he came for asking more. I told him that the computer prohibit me to prescribe such drug to him as he had still medication left(I had to lie…). The scum bag had told me that he would bring his kids and asked to prescribed for the boy after he had spend 15mins begging, threatening and cursing in the clinic.
I was lucky the surgeon came back and I handed over the clinic back to him. The surgeon did not prescribed stimin for his child (thank god…)...
A stimin worth less than 20 NT but it’s hypnotic effect which could get the addict through the craving stage make it priceless….and the health insurance paid for it( so sarcastic….)
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