Wednesday, August 31, 2011

ass covering with their head....

I was stunned when I heard that the transplantation of HIV infected donor organ to 5 recipients by 2 of the local prestige university hospitals…

The surgeons (more than a handful ) had discovered the facts that their donor was HIV positive 48 hrs after the transplantation…

The 1st action response to the incident after it hit the news desk was to push the responsibility to the organ transplant coordinator…

The team had blamed that the coordinator and the respective lab technician who had a miss communication when the lab technician reported the “infection” status of the patient via phone to the team. (the lab technician said reactive and the coordinator took it as negative)

 It was very sarcastic as the health authority and the hospital evaluation group had stress over the patient focus care issue over the past few years. The top rated surgeon had forgotten their duty as an “attending” surgeon in this case. They allowed their job to be done by resident and other staff. I don't think they had glanced through the medical chart and talk to the family's of both donor and recipient properlly prior to the surgery. All they wants is to perform surgery and gather as many case for their research material and published as many article as they could.

The team had been touring all over the island doing transplantation...where was the basic core of good medical care ? should the doctor done a thorough history taking (the patient’s mother knew that he was a gay) someone would be alert enough to seriously ruled out the possible HIV status…

Flash back the incident -> a 37 y/o male alleged fallen from 2 storey height. He had sustained a severe head injury and treated in a hospital in Hsin Zhu. He was pronounced brain death later and the family had informed the university hospital that they agreed for a organ donation. Both the hospital was 60 km apart. A 1.5 hrs drive…. How long would it take for an urgent check of HIV and other “infection” status ? 2 hours max in an urgent situation. The data would be readied by the time the team arrived. The surgeon had proceeded boldly instead of waiting -> a decision endangering the whole team…. Didn’t the surgeon read the medical chart before they proceeded with the surgery ? Should they had read the chart properly they would definitely found out that the lab data was missing….

The worst part was – no one claimed responsible – the hospital tried to blame the coordinator over the incident. They management had even regard the coordinator as employee from the DOH instead of the hospital (so it was the DOH employee who did the mistake and it had nothing to do with our hospital…)[the DOH granted a sum of NT 20 million to all the hospitals which operate the transplant surgery, the university hospital had use part of the money to hire the relevant coordinator…] the hosptial superintedent(currently president of internal medicine society) had come out to apologized few days attending surgeon had come up to admit their negligence (I hope they could sleep properly in the night and walk in piece during a stormy day...)

Crap SHXT story which can fool the public but not some insider like us…I hope the investigation is done properly and someone dearly pay the price (so I could be pacified as I am going to one of tax payer paying up the anti-retrovirus drug for the recipients..)

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