Monday, October 1, 2012

night shift of the ward..

After few weeks of struggling about going for the training, I had finally settled down for another 10 months of works. Well, I had adapted well lately and more time to spent with the family.

More and more doctors are hired and we had a load of specialty to consult but I did not benefit much from it…most of the doctor are around in the daytime and as night shift attending physician, I could rely on my own most of the time.

K had complaint about covering the ward during night shift. According to his contract, his job is limited to the ED however since his arrival 2 years ago, we had been covering the ward. However the in patient had increase about 2x and the loading had become worse and worse lately. K had threaten the management that his contract ends in December and if we are still require to cover the ward, he would…..

The hospital had managed to get a clinic internist down south to cover the ward. He had come a few times and was reluctant to continue. K had chatted with him and found that he was paid less then 1/4 of our pay per night. He requested a higher fee (and still it was about 1/3).

The boss is still negotiating with the other attending physician and surgeon about doing the calls as the locumer could only cover part of the shifts.

All I want is fair and square…

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