We had never had a full time urologist serving in our hospital until 1+ year ago. He had resigned with unknown reason prior to the setting up of our ESWL room. We had a new urologist who had joined us about 2 months ago. He had issued a circular to the ED and it was "planted" at the notice board.
The content of the circulars could be summarized into 3 parts:
- admission to urologist could only be done after consultation by the urologist on call upon his consent
- admission could be done in the day time only
2.Management of acute urinary colicky pain
- Demerel( this is the word he type ...)
- morphine + atropin drip
- Buscopan iv drip....
I had no intention to comply with any of his "suggestion" as there are so many contra-indications with atropine and buscopan use; I prefer something that I feel comfortable with. The Department of Health had however issued a circular warning doctors not to utilized pethidine for 1st line pain control few year back and most of us had shifted from pethidine to tramator since then...
Lem had however had a final conflict with the new urologist few days ago. There was this old man with bladder cancer s/p TURP who came for backache and referred to him later for acute renal failure with bilateral hydronephrosis. He had however referred the patient to ED and "instructed" Lem to admit the patient to nephro department under the impression of obstructive uropathy. He had also "written" down a referral order for him to see the patient again in the ward...
It was like a General surgeon admit a patient with ileus to Gastrointestinal department for admission and referred to see the surgeon in the ward for possible surgical intervention.
The conclusion is simple - he does not want to care any patient in the ward....
Both of the head of department ( ED and Uro) had exchanged call which had ended in hostile atmosphere.... and Han (nephrologist ) was not that please with the arrangement as well...
The new urologist had previously held the post of hospital superintendent down south at the christian hospital and I felt a smell of bureaucracy during his talk at the official opening of ESWL room. Not a friendly guy to work with and most probably won't last long...
Well, I told Lem that I would not have any encounter with him in the near future... but yet would kept an eye on the issue....
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