Sunday, September 29, 2013

Chinese in Malay restaurant....

I had a chat with William(Malaysian senior, local dentist) and he had told me that the local Chinese in his hometown Tawau seldom visit Malay stall…. An issue which never came across my mind, but yes indeed.
I recalled during my childhood; my parent had only brought us to Chinese shop and the only non Chinese shop we visit was a few Indian shop for roti canai(breakfast). My dad, working in the field(means out of the office) had the chance of trying out variety of shop during his working days. There were a few occasions, where my dad had brought me and my brother around and we had ate in Malay/Indian shop, a hell of an experience for me and one of the important reminder was not to drink from the teapot placed on the table in an Malay restaurant -> the water is meant for hand washing and not for drinking…

During my service with the MMOH, I had had the chance to try out Malay food. At first was the ward’s food (same with the patient’s food of coz minus the big chicken piece…) and later I tried out hospital’s canteen food and later Malay stall outside the hospital. My favorite are fried rice, Tomyam, and whatever cooked with curry powder…
During the process, I had noticed that I might be the only Chinese in the shop, later on, there would be some occasion where I am the only 3 Chinese in the shop ( the other were Ving and Yun).
Frankly, I had an odd sensation initially; I was afraid that the shop owner would chase me out. I had heard from my father that there were these hard core Muslims in the northern state that refuse to make contact with non-Muslim. Fortunately, I am over-worried and I was treated nicely… Ving is very fond of spicy food and most of the times, we ended up with a load of dishes on the table….

Well, looking forward for our trip back to Malaysia next year….

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