Thursday, September 4, 2014


I was a little bit confuse when I came back from Sri Lanka. I had the feeling that part of me was in the limbo (definitely not in Sri Lanka). The straight night shift has further crumbled my sensation. I felt numb, not physically but emotionally. I was unable to tell the feeling and later on I was bothered by the medical relief trip.
It was like 4 weeks before the green light but yet everything was not finalized yet. The Satun trip I intended to go was cancelled as I was the sole volunteer. The pastor asked me if I would like to join the Dhaaka group and I complied. But Later, the Dhaaka group was packed up and the group has to be splitted into 2. 4 were redirected to the Satun group and one of them pulled out with another kiv to join....
The pastor asked me if I could lead the team if there is only 2 persons...and I gladly complied.
The kiv person later agreed to join and now it is a team of 3.
The worst part was the application to the local medical council was still pending as we need to be covered by a local hospital, which was still n/a....
Well, I think everything is in the hand of GOD, and all I need to do is prayed..

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