Saturday, August 8, 2015


The working environment had been bad for the past few months; patients amount increased from less than 2000 to more than 2300. Our capacity is now 6 physicians and we have only 4. We had a brief discussion and concluded that we would need at least one more hand but compensation should be given during this waiting period. 
We have grafted a few version of compensation and submitted to the management. The compensation was around +12% . The management had later counter offer us with a raise of 5% + partial coverage of our shift;we would get an additional physician/surgeon covering for the weekend shift. If the coverage is not done, we would get further compensation. 
Not a satisfying one but still agreeable. 
However after 1 weeks, the covering helpers have backed away and we are on our own again + the pay...
Frankly said, we would preferred additional physician rather than raise as we are truly being stress out working in a patient overloaded environment....sooner or later we would end up in a medico-legal suit if the condition continue....

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