One of my
classmates called me 2 months ago and invited me to the 20 – year anniversary
reunion gathering. 10 years ago, one of our classmate had initiated the event
1/3 of the classmate was found. I had an invitation 5 years ago for the 15 year
anniversary gathering but I had planned our trip back to Malaysia and had to forfeit
the invitation. This year, I did not hesitate to accept the invitation as I had
no plan for a long trip. I joined the line chat group and found that 70% of our
classmate was on it. GSW who opened up family practice in Sri Aman had also
decided to come for the reunion. I had volunteered to pick up GSW at the
airport. We had a long chat during the drive. He had apparently open up a
successful practice there and enjoyed the life of being a general physician. I
could sense that he indeed enjoyed his life. I told him that I might visit him
on my next visit back home. I had never stepped my foot on the land of Sarawak
since my birth. I had planned to visit Kuching, Bako National Park and then to
Sri Aman. It would be a 5d4N tour if there is no other arrangement. Renting a
car in Kuching is 40 % cheaper than the west Malaysia.
I met other classmates at the reunion. After 20 years of effort, everyone had gained
something. We had more than a handful of classmates with PhD added to the end
of their names; a few of them had earned full professorship and currently in
the power struggle of Deanship in various university.
I praised the
great one for arranging my path and leading my way…..
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