Friday, January 20, 2017

walk in and straight and exit laying...

After the joining of our 5th staff, life was better but however the quality of night shift had gone down. We were being harassed q10-15min most of the time by nurses. The fee of RM 50(all in, no partial burden) is considered cheap to the locals as it is just walk in and seen by doctor without extra waiting(especially in the night). Of cause the health insurance covered an additional RM140 medical fee to the hospital (simple flu, stomach upset with no examination done).
Most of the ED physicians are not afraid of those critically ill cases as when they stepped into the ED, you could tell everyone related that the patient is so ill that he would die. The most horrifying patient is those that walked in and deteriorated out of your expectation.

Lem had left me a patient yesterday. An old lady with mild abdomen pain for few days. Lem had told me that she is case of diabetic nephropathy and had undergone a partial hysterectomy with bilateral opphrectomy 2 weeks ago at a big hospital at the K city outskirt. An KUB was obtained which revealed markedly distended colon. Lem had ordered a CT before he left. I took over the case and review the CT later. The CT did not reveal any significant finding apart from the colon distension. Her white count was rocking high at 19000 and Creatinine had worsened from 2.0mg/dl to 6.0 mg/dl. Despite of her status of afebrile, everything pointed to the direction of septicemia. I told the family about the result but the patient had opted to return to the “big hospital” up north for further treatment. I told the family that although she looked stable, she is at the risk of sudden death. The patient had however decided to transfer despite of my explanation. The final check vital sign before her transfer had shown a BP of 55/30mmHg. We approached her and she was fitting. We rushed her to the resuscitation area, I had a moment of hesitation to intubate her as she was still breathing but drowsy. She was bradycardic on the monitor. I ordered 2 epinephrine but no obvious improvement was noted. I ordered 2 vials of sodium bicarbonate and her heart rate was stabilized and regained conscious. After the event, the family had decided to stay back and patient was sent to ICU. She passed away later that night….
Family had accepted the situation as there was time for the family to accept her condition.

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