Thursday, May 10, 2018

life of a developer....

It had been a year since I had dipped into the world of web developer...The progression was slow as I was stuck with the aspx way of retrieving data from database. I had written a wcf service but was unable to proceed as my NAS had an ARM processor and I was unable to host aspx....
I had read up a lot but was unable to make a good leap. I decided to use the html ajax php method. The project is to build a mobile EMR so that I can use mobile phone, tablet during my future medical mission. Well, it is more difficult than aspx and wcf but yet worth a try.
There were lots of resource over the net but the learning process was slow as I need to get answer from time to time by googling. The project was changed after a short while to a CPR recording mobile webpage. I got the inspiration from a local beef shop POS system which utilized mobile phone for counting how many plates the customer had consumed. A simple listview with a long list of button; just click the relevant items and sent...
I managed to get the listview working in 1 months and I was stuck with the datajson to php part.....There were a few technical details which is not mentioned over the net. It took me few weeks and I had completed module of ajax , json, php to and fro mysql server, the job was completed but there was another task waiting for me...

Since 1+ years ago, Ving was given the task of doing roll call in the church. The task is a complicated one as it involved counting the head not only during the mass, but also others activity. Name lists came from 4 different section in small piece of papers and she would need to enter the name onto the national roll call list over the net. If would often need 2-3 hours to complete the task. I had occasionally help her out and found that it could be done a more effective way….
The project started small with only one webpage and a database to manage…It later bloated up like a balloon….I gained many skills, techniques by googling…The task seems simple initially; chose date->chose gathering type->tick who was present from the listview-   >save[write to database]. 
However later I decided it should be reproducible; you can click the date and the data is retrieved so that you don’t have to tick the whole list again should you wanted to add or delete entry…
Then someone asked for a weekly statistic list…another one asked if visitor could be added…again someone asked  if visitor could be placed on the list for a certain period…so and so and so customization were requested…

Well…it took an enormous effort and time for me to coup with those requests… Now it served the whole church instead of our section…..
My next urgent task is to move it out from my NAS ...

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