Monday, March 2, 2020

about the Indian dress

It is one of the darkest periods since I started my practice…When I returned for my training, SARS was haunting our society. We had massive community transmission, in-hospital transmission and the disease itself was so terrifying, patient suffered from severe respiratory distress and face either death or serious sequels in the future. However it was a period where we knew who to watch out for; only those febrile would transmit the disease. Febrile patient was seen outside the ED, rapid test was done to confirm if they were safe.
SARS- COV-2 is not same as its predecessor; those infected might not have fever, just only cough or ASYMPTOMATIC….We had facing the enemy we cannot see… blind folded…
The local authority had however made the hospitals believed that by screening fever at the gate could stop the disease. Slow down – yes, but STOP might not be practical…. Eventually all measures would fail as the only way to stop the disease is do what KJU did, which could not be attained by any democratic country. We are apparently losing the war, slowly.
The local authority had however had a good start by controlling the face mask distribution and production during the early stage of the disease. The safety supplement for all the hospital had been raised from week to almost 30 days at the moment. Nowadays, you do not need to queue a long duration to buy face mask (limited to 2 per week[ 3 starting at the end of the week]),  but some area are still facing shortages, however there are a few apps that could show you the storage of every pharmacy in the country.
Even now the local authority is still trying to tell the local peoples that there is a limited spread of the disease in only a few families instead of community transmission; but for us, the defense line had retreated from the immigration gate to the city street…
The declaration of community transmission would cause massive panic causing a further dampened the supply of face mask. If the truth is revealed, people would panic and wish to put on their mask all the time outside their residence. Imaging that you would need to supply one face mask to 23 million peoples every day (the current production is 8 million per day)…A lot of people had started to buy cloth to make their own washable cloth face mask (which could be reinforced by adding a middle pouch to insert a non woven fabric to strengthen its protection ability); Ving said that the textile shop was filled with peoples trying to buy cloth, it would take a few hours waiting time to be served.
There is still no local transmission case noted at the southern part of the country. I sincerely pray that it would stay the same for as long as it could.

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