Sunday, April 28, 2013
Manifesto talk...
Yun had favor the "scale" initially as they promised to distribute computer to student and later change her mind as she saw the photography of the computer - it was an IBM deskstop....she told me that it look like second handed product and she would call up her cousin later to double confirm the news, but I doubt that my sister in law with 4 kids would be attracted by such "bribery" act...
Regarding the EPF for wife, Ving felt good but Yun had another view - > some man would dislike the idea: why should I give part of my money to my wife to control ? the new kids on the block had different view than the old hag indeed...
Well, the BN had laid off a few female big gun and I wander if they really won, would there be any female minister ?
GE13 - my 1st postal voting
Saturday, April 27, 2013
pre voting day...
here i am, sitting in the camp at the Hua Zhong camping ground in Taipei city..
after 5 hrs of straining drive, we had finally arrived at the Taipei city. Yun and Xian had wanted a tour to the book store and we had our lunch there.
In the evening, we had picked up some food and headed to the camping site...need a good sleep tonight as I have to drive a long long way home after the voting....
after reviewing the candidate profile, I had made up my mind, not a difficult one but yet I hope I could make a difference...
Thursday, April 25, 2013
With a high school cert that is unrecognized plus a unrecognized medical degree, the pressure was more tense during my school days. Most of the people that knew my parents had "advised" them to reconsidered their decision and they had to tolerate the comment for all those years.
Well, fortunately those people were wrong. I am one of the countable government servant (ex of coz) in my family and registered with the medical council back in Malaysia. Well, I heard from my parents that one of my cousin is studying medicine
locally at the moment. For chinese providing good education is very expensive if you had planned to send your child overseas, but yet studying a degree in Taiwan is cheaper then doing it in Malaysia in certain field( eg, medicine). The recognition of unified exam does not change anything, I doubt that there would be a lot of chinese unified exam cert holder would join the government service with an junior entry post
The BN could have just announced the recognition of the unified exam on the spot and gain some extra chinese vote to make a difference in some area, but yet ....
preparing for the vote...
The Taipei city council had set up a camping ground near a bridge at the old Wan Hua Area. We had camped there for a few times and it is a well maintained. The fee is a good RM55 for a night.
I had gone through the procedure of postal voting and would be reviewing the candidate information tonight...maybe I would change my mind....
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
the path for Yun
Few years back, after chatting with some parents, I had decided MH is the school for Yun - the reason is simple, I want a school with "normal teaching".
In Taiwan, many secondary school had replace their PT subject or art subject with other subject that is relatively more important - math, science or what so ever. Some of the school had even opened up night self study class and retained the student till 10pm. The "night self study" was however a fake and teacher utilized the period for extra teaching a.k.a tuition and most of the parents love such class like dont know what.
I don't want to add any burden to my children, I wanted them to enjoyed a easy but fruitful secondary school. life The thinking process rather than the art of memorizing, the creativitiy rather than the scoring in examination
Yun had wanted to go to the local govt school which is mixed of all kinda of student. There is also this "famous" high school which is stressing more on the result. Yun had resisted and protested in a very strong way and finally we successfully persuaded her.
She had taken the entry exam and successfully made it to the top 25 % and enabling her to enroll in the school.
Well, the war had just begun and Yun had shown an interest in Math....hope I could replicate my experience and benefit her in her future life....
She had expressed that although she had not visit to the related province, however she had contacted with peoples that might had come from the above area. I reassured that she is afebrile and there is currently no evidence that it would transmit from human to human and discharge her.
I do feel comfortable seeing patient with URI symptom at the moment but if there is evidence of human to human transmission, than it would be warzone again for me. I had to don the "full gear" to see feversih patient....risk taking job but still it is my job,unlike the SARS, we had this tamiflu now
Monday, April 22, 2013
GE13 anxiety syndrome...
No pain no gain trainning...
Sunday, April 21, 2013
what is your yours...
trust no one....
Friday, April 19, 2013
finally the page had shown up....
Thursday, April 18, 2013
a life that I resisted...
meat, bone and tea...
Monday, April 15, 2013
Night of no CT scan....
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Nothing is fair
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Playing safe....
The head and neck CT was clear but the abdomen CT revealed a intraabdominal bleeding with hematoma at the intestine. I was wrong and luckily I did everything.....
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
coconut grater
a box-style stool c an iron grater |
the indon working in the shop had peel off the outer skin for me... |
Monday, April 8, 2013
Wood work....
the 3 antenna....with the chongkak |
Sunday, April 7, 2013
New gadget for the floor
There had been quite some changes since Chinese new year. I got a small bonus (same as last year) and had added some gadgets into the house.
Ving had finally agreed that we should have a robot for floor cleaning. I had suggested irobot to Ving few years ago did not get any approval. Since then, there are many similar product emerged on the market but still irobot is still the highly recommended over the market. Lots of people had dumped the other product and gone for an irobot in the final run.I had surveyed over the net and found that there are 3-4 dealers over the market. The authorized dealer had marked up the price severely compare to the other importers. The price is 2x difference and the importers provide similar warranty over the products. The irobot is a mature product and it is broken up into many modules you can just replace the problematic part easily by itself and the importers could easily repair one locally.
I had obtained a 7 series and a scooba initially. And the effect was stunning… floor was cleaner then ever. After few weeks of using the product, we had decided to buy another 5 series for use in the garage to tackle the harey hairy problem.
A great product indeed….
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Finally the GE13 is on its way….
After 20+ year of gaining the voting right, I had never cast down any vote…. During my 4 years of service with MOH there was no GE. When I was a child, I was told a lot of unfair events regarding the govt. by the seniors in the family. One of my uncles was even a political secretary to a minister at that time. At that time, Chinese was shouting unfair ,unfair and unfair but it seems that they are the only races who had the feelings…
There were 5 GEs held during my schooling day and the opposition had performed poorly. The govt. had actually taken care most of the citizens properly.
In the past most of the “earth prince” are cool – they had nothing to worry, govt. had taken care their of their children education fund – there is always a place for them to study without worrying about the expenses so that the financial hardship is not there like the other races. Top scorer go to overseas and the middle range one go to the top U -> false impression that the “earth prince” is academically lower , but in fact their best of the best is getting the best share abroad….
Malaysia had been developed like don’t know what in the past few years… salary increase and so do the cost of living… however there are many who felt that earning a living is difficult.
I would hear stories regarding corrupted politician on my visit back to
The unfair part– the govt. should have look after the minority instead of keep stressing that the majority should enjoyed the most interest – the minority is neglected ( the African American [make up of 14% of the total population] are being look after and given more privilege than the white)
The strategic work until recent few years when the “being look after” found that a small part of them enjoy more “privilege” and they wanted a change.
I had follow up the thread of a bunch of Malaysian residing in
I was expecting load of overseas voter but yet the result was disappointing. I was expecting load of Malaysian residing/studying in Taiwan to apply for the voting but yet I am wrong, my explanation is simple – bad habit from the ancestor: remember how our ancestor sold our right out during the formation of Malaya -> now we had the chance and yet they given it up… failure of Chinese independent school education ? I wish I knew the answer….
It would be an expensive voting for us as we would have to take the high speed rail up north (
I would be looking forward for a change of sky….
losing backup, the terror
I was told by the EDP department staff that I need to add new floor to the pharmacy slip conversion program 1+ weeks ago. The hospital billing program is based on Oracle database and the system had nothing much to do with my program initially. But later I had requested the company to provide me with a “view” to read in the in patient data(bedno, chartno, name, sex…etc..) and the linkage had started since then. “View” after “view” were provided and linkage was only limited at the my program reading the “view”level. Upon the completion of ED triage program, the management had requested the computer company to read from the access database used by my program and after couple of months of effort, it was materialized.
At the end of last year, the hospital decided to upgrade the pharmacy dispensing system(enabling a 200k+/month payoff from the insurance company). The work load of the pharmacy had increased and they had refused to proceed with the billing process. The billing process required a staff to enter the drug prescribed in the ward into the billing system. To avoid error of data entry resulting in dispensing error, the staff will need a good knowledge of drug.
I usually do my programming work on the ED physician’s desk computer. My work was mostly done in between consultation/waiting for data, thence it was not my personal computer and I had to share it with some other guys. It is a Celeron 2.4GHz with 2GB ram running XP. I started with VB 2005 express then shifted to VB2008…I had the 2010 version install but did not imported my program. With this fossil type of equipment and software, I am still able to maintain the system…
After few years of doing the job, I had set up a backup procedure… I use to backup the whole project folder to a folder (which can be seen by me only over the intranet).
I had started this procedure about 14 months ago when I had lost the ED triage project file. I had just accidentally copy an earlier version over the latest working folder…. The published version was ver.18 but I had only the ver.13 project folder with me… It took me 2 weeks to rebuild the whole project and updated it to ver.18… I hack and hack and hack during the rebuild. The worst part was that, I had no idea what I had done between the upgrade…
When I called up the program and I found that I was in the same crisis 14 months ago. Well, my mistake and I had to re-do the program again but thank to grace of the LORD, I knew what I had done and it was “up to date “ again in few hours…
It was a warning and I think I had to write a auto backup program....