Sunday, April 21, 2013

trust no one....

I had come to work and during the past over, K had told me that there was this case that “we” saw months ago that came back asking for certificate.
The patient had arrived just before the morning pass over and was seen by K. He had passed over the patient to me later and told me to review the x-ray and arranged the referral as the family had requested a referral on arrival. The patient was noted with subdural hemorrhage and there was no bony fracture on the x-ray ordered.
K was telling me that he was reluctant to issued the certificate as there was this fracture missed out.....K had told me that there was this obvious fracture noted and he had mumbled that what didn’t I see it…
I had later review that x-ray and found that the only film of his left lower leg was this:

My question was : if the fracture was not noted, then why the heck the cast was applied….
Well, the question had just flashed over my head for a second and I noted the cast to be a plastic instead of cement….
Darn, I took a further look at the date and found that it was a month later from the date of accident, the pateint was discharged later and returned to our ortho OPD for follow up.
I reviewed the x-ray taken at the date of the ED consultation and found that there is no rt lower leg x-ray ordered…
My fault for not doing a thorough review of trauma again and just reviewed the x-ray and proceeded with the referral.
Well, another lesson….trust no one…

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