I believe that there is a very small number of the chinese independence school graduate that had joined the government service... well, with an unrecognized diploma, we the one that is left out.
With a high school cert that is unrecognized plus a unrecognized medical degree, the pressure was more tense during my school days. Most of the people that knew my parents had "advised" them to reconsidered their decision and they had to tolerate the comment for all those years.
Well, fortunately those people were wrong. I am one of the countable government servant (ex of coz) in my family and registered with the medical council back in Malaysia. Well, I heard from my parents that one of my cousin is studying medicine
locally at the moment. For chinese providing good education is very expensive if you had planned to send your child overseas, but yet studying a degree in Taiwan is cheaper then doing it in Malaysia in certain field( eg, medicine). The recognition of unified exam does not change anything, I doubt that there would be a lot of chinese unified exam cert holder would join the government service with an junior entry post
The BN could have just announced the recognition of the unified exam on the spot and gain some extra chinese vote to make a difference in some area, but yet ....
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