Wednesday, January 20, 2021

new year new wave

The new wave finally strikes my homeland and northern part of the island since few days ago 

Homeland had been well controlled even though it had been noted with 2-3 daily figures of new cases. The loosening of the control order had brought hope to economy recovery; however it did not last long. Non compliance to the control order had eventually fueled up the gas tank leading to a blast after the state election in the Borneo. The blast’s shock wave had however expanded and over crumbled the medical system. Daily ICU case raised and mortality had increased steadily since 1+ months ago. I am not concerned about the daily cases but had been tracing the ICU cases and ventilated cases rise during that period. These two figures reflected the final burden of the medical care. The expo center neared the agricultural university was transformed into a hospital for low risk group with bed of 600 initially. Each bed had cubicle with cupboard, bed, table, chair and a spacious personal space. Recent 2 weeks, it had been expanded into 10000 beds where it had been more crowded than a Bangla workers dorm…And even with such facility, it was not enough, the ministry had planned to build more facility and allowed low risk patient to be treated in their own HOME!!! The decision might lead to a further worsening of the condition as peoples have not and will not comply to the order....

Finally, the boleh land had reached it breaking point. Darurat was announced and government had the power to mobilize everything including private hospitals. Political struggles was still going on despite of the Darurat. The DG was playing his part well but without a full mandate and authority to run the situation all he could do was plead everyone to stay home. The leaders of the country had been breaching the SOP like don't know what; solid evidence? Look at the amount of positive test result among the ministers; if they had complied to the order, they would not get infected….if the head cannot be straight, don't hope the body to do so...

The northern part is currently at the verge of outbreak after a nosocomial infection originated from a resident physician treating a covid 19 patient.

The contact tracing of such event had led to a massive screening event and currently it had spread beyond the boundary of the relevant hospital. One of the patients was a husband infected by his wife and he worked in a fast food joint at one of the airport express station. The command center had extended it screening and isolated the in patient service initially. Tension had built up as more and more positive cases were noted and further closing down the service was done by stage. Some local authorities up north had ordered postponing of some events.

Since earlier this month, the authority had demanded us to upgrade of screening. We were given a quota to performed screen on patient with diagnosis of pneumonia. Few months ago, we were encouraged to screen patient with severe acute respiratory illness case and especially hinted us to screen those with diagnosis of pneumonia. We had however known that it would be an index later on and started to refrain ourselves from coding pneumonia in our diagnosis. Most of the hospital except one did similarly except one. Their quota was 30 as they had coded pneumonia for 150+ cases for the last few months.

I had a referral case down south for pneumonia which favor pulmonary tuberculosis reactivation yesterday. I had decided to screen it as he will be staying in the negative pressure isolation room anyway. So after months of easiness, I had donned the PPE again…Smooth process and it was a good drill for me to revise the procedure.

I had called my dad on regular basis to check on them every few days. Life definitely is bored and the only things they could do is to walk along the jalan for exercise. Both of us shared the same feeling: accept the faith and coup with it....






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