Saturday, July 17, 2021

The rise...

Although we had a small surge of cases during the January of 2021 which involved a hospital up north; the flame was controlled by the local authority quickly. The situation was quiet for a couple of months until the lower half of April. A few airline pilots were tested positive followed by their family. When the local authority rammed up the testing, more cases were revealed. The situation had lost control and the government had elevated the situation to level 3.

Peoples were requested to don mask all the time when they leave their home; restaurants were ordered to shut down dine-in. The worst part was the vaccine amount delivered.

I received my vaccination at the end of March. The only choice available was AstraZeneca vaccine. Frankly said, I had doubt to receive the vaccination but as a front-liner, I had no choice but to risk my life for it.

I remembered the day of the jab. It was my off day and I registered for my vaccination at PTC hospital 20km away from my house as my own hospital was not authorized to give any vaccination at that time. I arrived early at 9:15am and reported to the clinic after initial registration. I had gotten my jab 30minutes later and after observation for 30minutes. I left the clinic. Ving had accompanied me to the clinic and we had stopped by a local restaurant for our brunch at 11am. We finished our meal later and proceeded to the BNQ mall for some home repairing staff. When we left the shop by 1pm, I was so tired then and Ving took over the wheel and driven us home. I slept throughout the journey and continued my nap the whole afternoon.

I woke up in by 7pm with soreness over my body and eaten my dinner. By 9pm, I sunk into my bed and woke up at 6am the next morning preparing for my shift.

The next 5 days, I had experienced most of the side effect listed on the list except for fever. I had fever though and had to take medication for it. I was lucky as I did not suffer from any fatal complication.

By the time the outbreak surged up late April, only part of the medical staff was vaccination as the AZ vaccine was treated as notorious by the local people. However as cases built up, the limited AZ vaccine had become hot cake over a few weeks and the government was out of vaccine in a short period.

Cases had increased from single digit to few hundred per day. Most of the cases were noted in the northern part of the island. The south was calm and even though some infected person had placed their foot step around the area but yet no prominent cluster was noted.

The atmosphere was tensed up north, but the south was still a land of peace in 5/2021. We still practice the ‘negative TOCC’ means no risk of infection principle. The screening rate was still low as sending PCR test means the patient need to be quarantined in his house for 1D1N before the result could be obtained.

However we hit the rock one month later…..

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