Thursday, June 4, 2009

shimofuri meat in the hospital...

shimofuri human flesh....

I couldn't recognized the patient when he was brought to our ED...Chief complaint - intermittent bleeding of wound. He was a patient with epilepsy and presented to ED for conscious disturbance. He was found drowsy in his house and his family had sent him over. No proper history was obtained as he was intubated and never regain his conscious. The attending neurosurgeon had speculated many causes but nothing was confirmed.

He was bed-ridden and the local Penghulu(chief of village) had got some fund and sent him over to a local nursing home for care. The money was less and the care was poor of coz....

He had developed some pressure sore when staying in our hospital during his multiple admission for pneumonia and others problem. But now the wound was intolerable....

quality of Life = ?????

Well... just admit him and see what he can do --- we owed it to him...(some ward had worsen his pressure sore during his admission...)


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